Fairly recently the main site upgraded the templates to allow us to break down that big pool into several separate "galleries" of work. I think that's great and that's what I've been working on tonight. But I'm having trouble deciding what to put where. Right now I have the work divided into six sections:
1) Original paintings -- the originals are still for sale. Some also have prints and cards.
2) Self portraits -- Prints and cards. Steve does a lot of self portraits so I thought this would be a good division. Some of these originals are still for sale (and are also listed in the originals for sale section), some are sold, but all of these have prints and cards available.
3) CD & Booklet art -- Prints & cards. Pieces used by The Church or one of Steve's other musical (and in one case poetry) projects. All but one of these originals has sold (it's also listed in the originals for sale section), but people can still buy prints or cards (we don't offer cards on a few, and neither prints nor cards are currently offered on a couple, but most likely will be soon).
4) Other Prints and Cards. Not self portraits or cd & booklet art. Some of these originals are still for sale (and are listed in the originals for sale section), and all have prints and cards available (or soon to be available) to purchase.
5) Gods & Devils -- Prints & Cards. Various religious and mythical figures. All but one original is sold (and that one is also listed in the originals for sale section also), and there are prints and cards available for each piece.
6) Archive -- These are small originals (8x10 to 9x12)which are sold but we offer no prints or cards to buy. They are basically just for people to look at.
Currently there is no real order of paintings within each division, but I just wanted to get them separated so I could get a feel for if each new section is managable. What I'm trying to do is make each gallery a somewhat logical division of Steve's work so people will have an easier time looking through everything and finding what they want. For instance, if someone comes to the site and wants to buy an original painting all they have to look through is the originals section. All the original pieces currently for sale will be there, and they won't have to wade through 106 pieces to find the 20 or so that aren't sold. If someone wants to buy a print of a self portrait of Steve, they can just look at that section.
It's late now -- damned near 4 am -- and I'm not sure any of this makes sense, so I'm going to go to bed and look at it again later today. With any luck it will at least kinda make sense then.