Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 27

Headed out to begin my Church Excursion in a few hours.

Officially moved into my new place Tuesday -- finally got everyone (cats, dog, Diane) in at 11:30 pm. I still have things to bring over here and I have to do a bunch of cleaning out of the old place when I get back, but it's nice to be here.

The first couple of nights here all the cats and the dog slept with me. Gah! I had to fight for space on my own bed! They are all pretty stressed about the move (and now I'm leaving them for a week -- I do feel guilty about that), but this is a better place for all of us and they are adapting pretty well.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I hate moving.

And I'm not very good at it. I've been packing stuff and throwing stuff out and dragging stuff over to the new place for weeks, yet there is still oodles yet to pack and move (and throw away) yet. Where does it all come from??? I swear all my stuff must be screwing around at night because it must be procreating. At least someone...or something... is getting lucky. Sadly, it sure isn't me. :-(

I'm a little frustrated because although my brother is big on "families help each other" I've not gotten diddly in the help department from him. He did pick up and bring in the love seat sleeper sofa I bought used (I think he only did that because his girlfriend was there and asked him to...when I ask he just gives me this blank look) but for the most part it's just me. The sofa, by the way, cost a grand total of $19.41! and it's pretty damned nice too -- I am pretty pleased with that. There is soooo much stuff, and I'm really tired and sore. I'm hoping to get the furniture moved over (having to hire someone -- how come he can always help his friends but not me?) by the very first of next week so I can have a few days to get Diane and the cats and dogs settled in before I leave for my Church excursion.

I kind of wish the Church tour was a month or so later this year because it's such a hassle getting moved before going. As it is I'll have to do a bunch of clean up at the old place when I get home from it. I suspect when I get back I just won't give a shit and will hire someone to clean out whatever is left. I can't really afford that, but I also can't afford to kill myself over cleaning it out either. I will enjoy the gigs (and the time off) though, damn it!

On the plus side -- the new place is beginning to feel more and more like home. If I can just finally get completely moved in here it will be nice.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

SK Art, Man & Technology cd and prints set

A quick snapshot of the cd/prints set. You can see the cd, some of the prints in the set (there are 20), and the box it's in. We also decided to put a sticker on the back of the box, but I didn't get that in the pic. We weren't sure it would stick well on the top of the box, plus the top is textured, so we thought that might be a problem.

It turned into a bigger production than we had originally planned, but it also turned out much better than either of us thought it would when we first discussed it. As I started planning it, it got more elaborate. I chatted with Kim -- who set up the Pittsburgh exhibition -- at the exhibition opening about the idea and she said she would do the graphic design, which I think looks great. The cd looks so good! I was so thrilled when they arrived. I did what I'm good at -- sourced the cds and packaging, printed and trimmed the prints, assembled the whole thing, and sent them off.

Steve, who just got to see it in person for the first time yesterday or today, is very pleased with it. That's certainly a relief! I have to admit I'm very proud of it.