Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Last month I took Zeke to the vet for shots and to have his anal glands cleaned out (an absolutely delightful task I assure you, but some dogs need it). The shots went fine, but while the vet was doing the anal gland thingie she noticed a little bump where there isn't supposed to be one. We scheduled a recheck in a month, which was today, and the little bump is still there.

While it could be many things that aren't terribly problematic, it could also be anal sac carcinoma, which can be deadly. So the vet took some blood for some tests which will help determine if it's the carcinoma and next week I'm taking Zeke back in to have a biopsy done. If it is a carcinoma at least it's small (about the size of a pea), so it's most likely been caught early which makes a successful outcome much more likely. Because it's in an area that doesn't usually get a lot of checking, many of these are found in the late stages when they have spread.

Another good thing is there is a very good specialty and emergency vet clinic less than 10 miles away, plus the OSU vet school clinic very close as well, so I have easy access to top of the line vet care if needed. So right now I'm feeling pretty positive about this, but I can't help but be worried. Zekie is a wonderful dog and I want him around for many years to come.


And that wasn't even the stuff going on I mentioned in my last post. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

So for my birthday I bought my first wide format printer. Now as wide format printers go, it's just a baby, but it will print sheets up to 13"x19" with eight colours of pigment ink.

"Wait a minute" I hear you say. "Isn't that the type of printer used to make SK's art prints and cards?"

"Why, yes, it is" I say with a big smile.

Yep, I finally gave the woman I've had do the prints (and the photographing the paintings to get the image to print) the boot. Ultimately I could not accept waiting weeks and sometimes months (often with no communication during this time) for work which for most of the time I was doing business with her was supposed to have a week to maximum ten day turn around time. I really should have done it long before this, but she was someone I knew and I felt loyal to her. Unfortunately, I have since realised she did not feel as loyal to me as I did to her.

So the plan now is to have all the paintings scanned and colour corrected and the image files put on disc. Then I will do any final tweaking needed and will make the cards and prints up to 13"x19" (which is our current max size). Because large format scanning usually has much more detail and sharpness than a photograph for making prints, we will also now be able to offer larger sized prints of the larger sized paintings (SK is now doing some 20"x30" pieces -- his previous max size was 18"x24"). These larger prints will only be offered as special orders because I will have to order them which can take a while, but I think it will be good to offer them.

But back to my new printer. Getting this printer is a big step for me because although it is just a printer, it's an expensive little (not so little -- it's approx 2'x2.5') devil. I could have gotten a decent computer for what I dropped on this printer. A set of eight ink tanks (the printer head is attached to the machine) costs a bit over $100 and these printers are ink hogs so the ink doesn't last long. And then there is the cost of the specialty paper....

Still, because we make virtually all of Steve's paintings into cards and prints it would be nearly impossible to set up everything (currently we offer cards and prints of approximately 150 paintings) with another printer. Plus I can print off work when I need it, so I will be able to offer excellent service and not have to carry a large inventory of printed pieces.

The printer is supposed to arrive tomorrow. If I post a pic of me with clumps of hair missing you'll know it's not going well.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to

ME!!!! :-)

Yep, today is my birthday and I'm hoping to slide under the radar this year. Not entirely or I wouldn't have made a blog post noting it now, but the only people in the area that would do anything are my brother and his girlfriend and I'm just not in the mood to have to be at all social. Of course, considering my brother generally doesn't consider much of anything that doesn't revolve around him to be worth his time, sliding under the radar shouldn't be hard.

I'm thinking that making some microwave popcorn, breaking open a couple of wine coolers, and watching a movie (almost certainly with a bunch of cats piled on top of me -- it's winter so they suddenly love me) sounds pretty appealing. It will most likely be a light, fun movie. I bought The Sting a few months ago (in honour of Paul Newman), so I might watch that. Haven't seen it in years.

I have some other crap to write about, but it's late and I'm tired, so I'll have to do that later. Some of it is even interesting. Hmm...maybe it's only interesting to me.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Swiped from Staci :-)

1. Your name: H
2. A four Letter word: Hell
3. A boy's name: Harold
4. A girl's name: Hannah
5. An occupation: Headhunter
6. A color: Hazel
7. Something you wear: Hat
8. A food: Honey
9. Something found in the bathroom: Hair (I know, I know, it's totally yucky! lol!)
10. A place: Harrisburg
11. A reason for being late: Hangover
12. Something you shout: Help!
13. A movie title: Halloween
14. Something you drink: Hot Cocoa
15. A musical group: Hot House Flowers
16. An animal: Horse
17. A street name: High Street
18. A type of car: Honda
19. Something scary: Heights (hey, they scare me!)
20. Ice cream flavor: Heath Bar Crunch

This was kind of fun. :-)

Friday, February 06, 2009

Nah nah nah! -- I'm doing the survey!!

1. What is your occupation right now?
Self employed something or other. Caregiver to my aunt, SK's art rep, glass artisan -- none of it seems to be achieving much right now. Blah.

2.What colour are your socks right now?
Not wearing any. I hate socks.

3.What are you listening to right now?
Just the sounds of the house and various noises from outside.

4.What was the last thing that you ate?
Homemade veggie soup. It was good!

5.Can you drive a stick shift?
Never bothered to learn.

6.Last person you spoke to on the phone?
Some sales guy.

7.Do you like the person who sent this to you?
No one sent it to me, but I like all the people who write the blogs I read it on. Even those who expected me not to answer. ;-)

8.How old are you today?

9.What is your favourite sport to watch on TV?
Not really any of them regularly, but when the Olympics roll around I enjoy watching them -- particularly the weird winter sports. I mean seriously, who the hell thought of double luge?

10.What is your favourite drink?
Non Alcohol: water
Alcohol: wine coolers. I know, I know, they are such a sissy drink -- even the dog rolls his eyes at me when I break out a wine cooler.

11.Have you ever dyed your hair?
Used to all the time. Don't anymore.

12.Favourite food
Ice Cream. Or Chocolate. Or good bread. Or pizza. Or that veggie soup I just had. Unfortunately, I have a LOT of favourite foods.

13.What is the last movie you watched?
The Hot Rock.

14.Favourite day of the year?
Depends on the year.

15.How do you vent anger?
I rant (in fact I just wrote out a rant a couple of days ago -- I might actually post it here too. Depends on my mood). Then I listen to music I like and go to sleep.

16.What was your favourite toy as a child?
I coveted my sister's Easy Bake Oven and miniature tea set and played with them like crazy when she was away at school. hehehe.

17.What is your favourite season?
Autumn. But I'm really looking forward to spring this year.

18.Cherries or Blueberries?

19.Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?
Yeah, but I currently suck at emailing them back all the time so I cut them slack. I absolutely HATE when people who are supposed to be providing a business service do not email or call me back however. (oops! a bit of my rant slipped out...)

20.Who is the most likely to respond?
I've waited so long to complete it that I don't think there's anyone left....

21.Who is least likely to respond?
See above.

22.Living arrangements?
Me, my aunt, the dog, and the cats.

23.When was the last time you cried?
A day or so ago I guess.

24.What is on the floor of your closet?
This place doesn't really have closets which is a major pain in the ass.

25.Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending to?
Not sending to anyone.

26.What did you do last night?
Not much of anything.

27.What are you most afraid of?
I hate not knowing what I'm doing. I guess that fits.

28.Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?
Haven't had a hamburger in ages, but I always liked plain best.

29.Favourite dog breed?
Currently Australian Cattle Dog -- because Zeke is an ACD mix. :-) I do love Alaskan Malamutes and Great Pyrenees too.

30.Favourite day of the week?
They all look the same to me.

31.How many states have you lived in?
Just one.

32.Diamonds or pearls?
I don't wear jewelry much at all, but when I do I'm much more apt to wear pearls.

33.What is your favorite flower?

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Spot the difference

I'm just going to post a link, but make sure to take a look. It's just two pics, but what a story they tell. Don't worry it won't take you to anything rude or crude -- well, the first pic is pretty disgusting (you'll understand when you see it), but they are both safe for work and all that.

Click here for the link.