Tuesday, October 09, 2007

mish mash

The new phone arrived and is pretty much set up. I should do a personalised greeting, but I hate the way I sound so I usually just leave the default greeting. With any luck the cat won't kill this one off for a while.

Got my ratty little gerbil car back last Thursday. Seems to be running well. The alternator, new battery, and oil change was all done by Monday morning (probably Saturday afternoon), but the guy called and said "your hood release cable broke and now your hood won't close properly...or if it does close you won't be able to get it open again." He seemed horrified when I told him it hadn't closed properly in quite some time (for close to three years now only the only thing holding the hood closed is the secondary latch, but I thought he'd have a stroke if I told him that, so I didn't), and said he could rig up a something that would allow the main latch to engage and still allow me to be able to release that latch. Since I really don't enjoy driving down the interstate with my hood rattling around and only held tenuously I said that would be great. The hood release cable doesn't attach to the lever inside the car as it originally did -- the cable attached to the latch and then I have to reach my fingers under the front of the hood, grab the end of the cable and give it a little tug to release the main latch -- but the damned hood latches firmly (and safely!) now. Much nicer. :-)

And a couple of hours ago I lowered the prices on three originals on the SK art site. These have been up for quite a while, so it seemed a good time to discount them. The paintings affected are: Ziggy At The Sea Pool; Abel Tasman Discovers Australia; and Bah Humbug. I'm really quite surprised Ziggy hasn't sold. I've had several people inquire about it -- one even requested an invoice (which I sent) -- but no one has gone through with it. I always liked the Tasman one, but I do think it has an inherently more limited audience, and Steve did Bah Humbug mostly to be made into a card and it does have that feel. Plus it's very seasonal. So I'm not surprised Bah Humbug hasn't sold, but maybe it will now.

It's been very hot, especially for this time of year (a couple of days ago it was in the high 90's on the back deck), but that is supposed to change sometime today. I like autumn, and I am very ready for the cooler temps and the fall colours (but since it was a dry summer the leaves probably won't be as pretty this year). I love the time of year when I don't have to use either heat or air conditioning to be comfortable. I love cool nights for sleeping too. And the cats love hanging out in the open windows.

It's been two weeks since I last visited Steve's actual blog page (I have been reading it through a feed). Two weeks away (from the comments -- I never felt the need to not read SK's entries) was the minimum I set for myself. I enjoy reading Steve's blog (the feed feels kind of sterile -- as if it's typed on plain white paper) and have always enjoyed reading some of the comments, but I can't say I miss the crap some tend to sling. It's weird -- I've never found the need to use the "ignore" feature on any of the message boards I've posted on, but if that was an option on SK's blog I would be the first to use it. It's not a big dilemma though.


Blogger General Catz said...

Your expression "gerbil car" just slays me. It's always made me laugh.

11:48 AM  
Blogger eek said...

It fits too! I swear when it's on the highway the engine sounds as if there are a bunch of gerbils running on little exercise wheels. :-)

4:36 PM  
Blogger veleska1970 said...

i'm with catz~~the term "gerbil car" is cute. just what kind of car do you drive?

brings back mem'ries of my plymouth neon~~i bought it brand new and had it for 10 years. the transmission was starting to go out in it in the latter years, and i eventually ended up with no reverse. yes, it made life verrrry interesting.....

about the comments on sk's blog~~as i've said before, i only read a handful of the comments, and they are from people i know. everyone else gets the scroll-over!!

8:20 PM  

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