Friday, September 12, 2008

SK Art Sale

September 13th is Steve's birthday and what better way to celebrate Steve's birthday than by buying yourself a gift? Yes, that's right -- the Steve Kilbey Art Sale is going on RIGHT NOW!! Everything on the website (with the exception of two paintings going to an exhibit) is on sale, with discounts ranging from 10-40% off. There are also 11 brand new paintings just up on the site (20% off on those pieces -- 40% off on other originals). All prints are 40% off, and cards are $3.50 instead of $4. Even commissioned paintings are on sale (10% discount).

It's a great sale, and it's only on Steve's birthday (it goes as long as it's the 13th anywhere in the world), so head over to the SK Art site and check it out. Now.

And of course, just when I was getting ready to send out this announcement to the SK Art site email list the site goes down. How irritating. Then again, if it's down, it would mean no one came see it anyway, so it doesn't matter if I am able to send out the announcement anyway. Could be just my connection, but I'm getting through to other sites. I guess if the site is down for an extended period, I'll just extend the sale for a while longer.

* edit -- well, now that I whined about it being down, it's back up. Guess I should whine about more stuff!


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