Steve is going to be performing at the ARIA Hall of Fame award show this Tuesday -- twice. Once with the Triffids (vocals on Wide Open Road) and once playing The Real Thing (according to the bulletin sent out from his Myspace page he's doing vocals on that too) for the induction of Russell Morris.
I swear sometimes I'd like to shake that man. Last year the Aria people tried to induct the Church into the HOF but the band declined because they were "unavailable." I'm sorry but I don't quite believe they were so damned busy they couldn't have made it if they wanted to. I'm especially doubtful after reading SK's blog rant about what the Aria people wanted (they were asked to play two of their best known songs -- imagine the fucking gall of that!!! :rolleyes: ) which ended with "i'd rather circumcize myself with a blunt plectrum". Granted the rant was pretty funny (especially that last line), but sometimes his (and the band's) refusal to do so many things that could help them publicity-wise is maddening.
Whether or not they get inducted into this HOF has no bearing on my admiration or respect for them, and I doubt it does for many hardcore fans. But I do think things such as an Aria HOF induction or having one of their albums featured on a program such as the "Great Australian Albums" one SK appeared on talking about the Triffids would help raise the level of awareness of them amongst a whole host of more casual fans. I'm hoping SK's (and Tim's) appearance at this ARIA HOF ceremony and the Rockwiz appearance (yet to air, but taped a few months ago) is signaling a change of heart in regards to taking advantage of this type of publicity. I hope so anyway.
But SK's self-circumcision...ouch! -- that's bound to hurt!
I swear sometimes I'd like to shake that man. Last year the Aria people tried to induct the Church into the HOF but the band declined because they were "unavailable." I'm sorry but I don't quite believe they were so damned busy they couldn't have made it if they wanted to. I'm especially doubtful after reading SK's blog rant about what the Aria people wanted (they were asked to play two of their best known songs -- imagine the fucking gall of that!!! :rolleyes: ) which ended with "i'd rather circumcize myself with a blunt plectrum". Granted the rant was pretty funny (especially that last line), but sometimes his (and the band's) refusal to do so many things that could help them publicity-wise is maddening.
Whether or not they get inducted into this HOF has no bearing on my admiration or respect for them, and I doubt it does for many hardcore fans. But I do think things such as an Aria HOF induction or having one of their albums featured on a program such as the "Great Australian Albums" one SK appeared on talking about the Triffids would help raise the level of awareness of them amongst a whole host of more casual fans. I'm hoping SK's (and Tim's) appearance at this ARIA HOF ceremony and the Rockwiz appearance (yet to air, but taped a few months ago) is signaling a change of heart in regards to taking advantage of this type of publicity. I hope so anyway.
But SK's self-circumcision...ouch! -- that's bound to hurt!