Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Spunky Butt aka Dammit et al (my niece's kitten) is over visiting me right now. The little shit of a kitten just jumped into my waste basket and peed!

I saw him hop in and I went over and said "what are you doing?" and he looked up with the "don't disturb me, I'm working here" look on his face that means he's taking a pee.

I can't really say it was a bad place to go, but I'd certainly rather he went in the litter box (and he has in the past). Guess I better make sure that litter box is clean and in good shape.

In the huh? files:

I admit I laughed when I read the following scroll across my screen:

Dead bassist Lesh has prostate cancer

hmmm... I didn't know dead people got cancer?

...then it dawned on me the the guy wasn't dead -- he's the bassist for the Grateful Dead.

Those first thoughts are sometimes real doozies!

Hope he beats it.

Monday, October 30, 2006

everyone has issues

A friend and I were talking last week and I used the phrase "has issues" about a third person to kind of answer a question about that person. The friend responded "but everyone has issues don't they?"

I've been giving that comment a lot of thought lately. First off -- yeah, I agree we all do have issues. That bit was very easy. What I've been pondering though is how to deal with those issues. Does the understanding that everyone has issues allow for greater leeway when someone is a jerk or does it elicit a "get the fuck over yourself" response? It depends on the situation for me, but it can be either or both.

Here's an example:

An acquaintance started a business of art reproduction. No she doesn't paint copies, she photographs artwork for jury slides, images for the web, prints and cards. She also does the printing of the prints and cards. In fact her starting that business was a big factor in me approaching Steve about setting up a small exhibition of his work in 2004. It allowed me to offer prints and cards of many of his works at that first exhibition, and when that was fairly sucessful allowed us (well, me, but for Steve) to set up a website and sell prints and cards as well as originals.

She's relatively close to me (only about an hour's drive) so I can drop off and pick up the work myself instead of having to ship it. Her prices are excellent which allows us to offer prints and cards of a great many of Steve's pieces instead of just a few. And her work is generally quite good (it's been a learning process and I do notice that the pieces she has photgraphed and colour corrected more recently are quite a bit better than the first couple of batches. I'm happy with her work. Steve is happy with her work.

However, there are some problems and they can be pretty major at times. She did do a good job getting a large print order ready for the band's US tour this summer and she also did well getting the print orders finished for the SK birthday sale. But I took a small group of original paintings to her July for initial set up. She was to get them finished before she went on vacation in early August. Something came up and she wasn't able to do that. I said that's fine I don't really need then until after I get back from my vacation in late August. Well that didn't happen either. So I said ok, I need them by Sept. 10 (so I could have them up for SK's birthday celebration sale). Nope, didn't happen. All right. September 27 then. I was in town that day anyway so I could easily pick them up and it was the last day of the SK sale so I could add them to the site when I changed prices from the sale. She still didn't have them.

By now I'm getting a bit irritated. Ok, I'm getting a lot irritated, but she swore she would have them by the coop meeting Oct. 2. Fine. It's only a few more days. Oct. 2 comes and I'm getting ready to leave the house to drive to the meeting. I get a phone call. Guess who? Yep. Her pc crashed and she won't have them for me that night. I think I talked to her once more -- later that week and she said the pc was still not working but her tech guy was going to work on it over the weekend. She hasn't returned my calls or emails since.

Three fucking months. I am seriously pissed off now. I have called every single day for the past two weeks and left messages for her to call me. And the chirpy little "leave a message and we'll get back to you soon. Hope you're having a good day!" message on her answering machine is becoming exceptionally grating now.

So what does this have to do with "everyone has issues?" Well, this woman is dealing with a very bitter child custody battle (and earlier had an equally bitter divorce) so she has a lot of shit happening. She also holds down a full time job. So I know that there are times when things will happen and a order will be delayed. I accept that from her -- because I know her, her prices and work are excellent, and also because I know she needs the business. So I'm willing to let things slide a certain amount because she "has issues." But there comes a time -- well past now -- when she has to get the fuck over herself and deliver -- either the work she has promised or at least a phone call to tell me that she can't do it and to arrange for me to pick up the paintings.

That was a pretty major example, but it happens in smaller ways too. Fairly recently I was talking with someone online and almost every single thing I said was met with a surly, bitchy response. Because this person was going through a rough time I was making sure NOT to snap back, but apparently that meant my responses weren't quick enough or suck-upy enough and she sent one more snotty comment and then logged off before I had any chance to respond. That online version of slamming a door in my face always irritates me, and I immediately stated writing an email detailing just why I was taking my time responding. As I was doing it I thought wait a minute, I don't need to explain that I was taking time to think about my responses because I didn't want to be a bitch. Hmm. Then I thought about several other times I was either individually or as part of a group snapped at by this person over the past 9-10 months and it dawned on me that I don't need this shit. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy many of the conversations with this person, but there came a time I felt I couldn't say anything without being in the wrong somehow. This was supposed to be a friendship that is positive for both people -- and it got to a point it was no longer positive for me. So I've made no effort to connect with this person since and I'm content with that decision. I suspect the other party feels much the same since I've received no attempt at contact lately either. Probably best for both of us.

I've had similar situations over the years too. One that makes me laugh in retrospect (because it was just so trashy) was when a friend of mine wanted me to lie to her husband (I was supposed to say she was with me) so she could go out with her boyfriend. I said "No. I don't want to be shot." And then I told her that I was no longer comfortable being around her. I mean if she would lie to her husband (#3 or 4 I might add -- she met and moved in with him just a couple of days after moving out on the previous hubby) just to fuck around with someone else, she would have no problem lying to me if it suited her. Besides I really did think her husband (or if not him, a future guy) might let the shots fly, and I would be really pissed off if I got shot because of her. And she was furious with me! haha! Gad. It sounds like something off the Jerry Springer show!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

last night's dream

I dreamed last night that my pet chicken's foot fell off. It wasn't torn off or cut off or anything violent, and there was no blood -- it just dropped off. I kept trying to pick it up (somehow I couldn't -- I don't remember why though) even though I knew there was no way to put it back on. There wasn't any "we'll have to put the chicken down" or even "well, that solves what to have for dinner" ;-) but I kept thinking my poor chicken was going to have trouble walking with only one foot.

What the fuck is this supposed to mean?

I guess this just proves I don't have profound dreams.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I've been reading accounts of the Aussie Church shows these last couple weeks and although I really enjoy reading them I also sometimes get the nagging feeling I've missed something. And it's not that these shows are electric and the US shows were acoustic, because I really loved the shows I saw. It kind of a nagging feeling that the people do these write ups had more fun than I did.

Now I know that I had access and experiences at my series of shows that many Church fans would absolutely LOVE to have had. I know that. I did have a great and very special time. Yet there are times when I get the nagging feeling that other people had a better time. Then of course I feel like such a whiny twit -- "Wah! I didn't have as much fun as some other people seem to have had!" Yuck. How silly. And I hate it. I hate it in other people and I REALLY hate it in me. I'm sure the people I yammered on and on and on to after various shows thought I was pretty excited and had a hell of a lot of fun. And I did! When I think back over everything I remember what a great time I really did have. So writing this and thinking about it all has taken away the blahs I was feeling and replaced them with many really positive memories.

I do think that part of the reason for the whiny feelings in the first place are because these current write ups are new and it's been a couple of months since my shows. The really intense excitement has faded a bit, whereas for the people writing about the Aussie tour they are very fresh and that comes across. I need to finish up writing about my trip and the shows. Most will be just for me, and I think that's part of what has made writing about it so hard -- what do I put here and what don't I. But what I need to do is just write everything down and then pull up bits to post here.

And sometimes my perception of things is weird. In public I can be really shy and have a very hard time relaxing and enjoying the moment. I also tend to evaluate everything to death afterwards. So I was fairly cautious during the trip and shows and although I did have an excellent time I need to learn to realise people aren't always judging me (and if they are the hell with them!) and just relax and enjoy. And now I find myself comparing my experiences with other people's and wondering if mine measured up. I need to stop that and just enjoy the moment, both as it's happening and afterward.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

so...is it working?

My don't hang out online so much and try to get more things done plan that is.


The first several days I did indeed get quite a bit more done although the pull of the pc was intense (how embarrassing!). Finally got all the details from the SK birthday sale wrapped up and his proceeds sent off to him. Started setting up a makeshift work area for my glass (to be more than makeshift I have to get my brother to do it, and that's just entirely too much work right now). Cleaned up a bit, ran errands I needed to run, etc. Oh! Even managed to trim Zeke's toenails. I know. It doesn't sound like much, but Zekie HATES to have his nails trimmed. The last time I took him to the vet they trimmed his nails. It too three people to hold him and they put a muzzle on him too (he does get really snappy sometimes). Well, I did it by myself with no muzzle. He wasn't terribly happy, but he was pretty good. Snackies are the secret. ;-) A snackie after every toe.

But the last few days have been pretty much wasted. I feel as if I'm fighting getting sick -- I have a steady headache, I'm achy all over, and I'm very very tired. But I don't feel actively sick either, so maybe I'll be able to shake it off and get back to working soon.

And I do need to write a bunch of emails (I think I'm about 20 behind). I don't want people to think I'm totally ignoring them, but when I try to write lately I'm just stumped. Blah. The ones which I need to write first (aiming for tomorrow) are about SK commissions. An email to SK with some questions people have asked, and then several to people who have or are considering commissioning works. Then I have to respond to a bunch of emails people have sent to me...I feel like a slug for not responding yet.

And I have to pack up several more SK art orders (and the prize from the SK art birthday sale too), so I can mail them out Monday. I'm actually surprised we got those orders so soon after the sale. Guess these people just missed it.

I have been reading JLK's blog lately. He's been trying to do one every day or almost every day. They are quite interesting and pretty funny too. I haven't commented on any of them at all (haven't commented much one anyone's lately -- not even the Stevester's), but they are a fun read. And reading it always reminds me I still have to order the re-issued Jack Frost cd. Oh, and the "Easy" single too, although I did try to order that from the Church Merch and I think the shipping costs were messed up. Still, I need to order both of those.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"You've been a very naughty girl again"

Said in that oh-so-wonderful soft porn voice. :-) Woowheee I do love that voice.

Yes, the almost four week late birthday gift arrived yesterday and the recipient was well pleased. (I did make sure to tell him that birthday celebrations lasted a month after the actual date, so I was still good there) Whew. I really did sweat this one, but it turned out to be great. Marty wants one now too and I suspect Peter will want one too when he sees it. When he said that about Marty I told him "they aren't sold in Australia. I checked." He was delighted with that -- said "Oh that's even better! Appeals to the 16-year-old in me." Haha! Then he said "I can hardly wait to tell Marty and Peter!" These guys -- they can be so like little kids!

He sooo loves being special. I'm really happy I went with this one instead of getting what was available in Australia, even though the cost of shipping it there was ghastly. He was very surprised -- told me when the Fed Ex guy knocked he was expecting an envelope (which did come, but an hour and a half later) and the guy had this huge box (I did tell him to expect a bulky but light box, but I didn't make a big deal out of it...I wanted it to be a surprise). And, yes he did think it was the two things I thought he would think it was. Then he saw the capital F in the logo and knew what it was. :-)

And the painting that was missing did get to it's destination. Whew! What a relief.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


My brother and a friend of his race motorcycles -- mostly three hour endurance races -- for fun. I don't know a lot of the specifics of what they race, but the bike they race is older, heavier, and slower than everyone else in their division. It's also older, heavier, and slower than most of the other bikes in the race (various divisions race together -- like in a marathon) and their division isn't generally considered the fastest anyway.

So anyway, they have racing in a series since May and were in a three-way battle for the division championship. The last race was today, and whichever of the top three teams won the race would also win the overall season championship for that division. The only really tricky thing for my brother's team is they hadn't won a race all season. I think they finished second once, and they finished third several times, but they hadn't broken through and won.

Well...today they won! Not only did they win their division and the season championship for that division, but they also won the overall race! I'm so excited for them, everything worked out perfectly this time. Plus my niece was there to witness it all so that's an extra thrill both for her and for my brother. She's been to about half the races -- I'm glad she was able to be there for this one.


And yay for PV who got mentioned in Stevie's blog. Go Pablo! Hehe...I don't think he got mentioned once during the US tour although he was with them for most of it. He had to go to Australia to get a mention. I just thought that was kinda amusing.


I'm trying to spend less time online and more time getting my own work done. I've really let things slide recently (and not so recently), so I really need to get myself in gear. I work the shop this Wednesday and Thursday, so I'd like to have at least a few new things to take in then. With the Christmas season coming up I could make a tidy profit, but only if I have things to sell. So that's what I'm gonna work on over the next few months.

I imagine I will still post a few places if I feel like it, and I might blog a bit too (that's been lax at best lately anyway), but I've just been spending waaaaay too much time just surfing and goofing off online, and that's what I'm cutting down on.

We'll see how long it lasts.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Holy Hail!

What the hail?

Hail hath no fury...

To hail and back

Go to hail!

Hail or high water... Well, we had both yesterday. And funnel clouds and tornado warnings too. Oh my! And I was in my ratty little car during the hail -- luckily, I was just turning into the alley behind the house when the rain first hit, so I wasn't driving in it, just parked and waited it out. It was astonishing to see and hear that hit the car. I was sitting in the car with the hail pounding down thinking "now all I need is for the tornado sirens to go off." They went off when the rain had slowed a bit and I got out of the car. I couldn't help but laugh. When I got to the house and checked the weather report it showed the worst was already past us, so I didn't really worry.

On my way into the house I picked up a bunch of hail and stuck it in the freezer. I just measured one and it has a circumference of 4" Several of them are marshmallow sized -- not bad whan it's a soft puffy thing, but these are hard ice balls. And yes, they left lots of little dents in the hood and roof of my car! But, of course, it's my ratty little gerbil car, so the dents just add a bit more character. That car has a LOT of character now -- it's pretty much lacking in everything else.

The picture is pretty blurry. I'll try to get some better ones later and replace this one, but at least it shows the basic size.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


One of the packages (with an original painting no less) I sent out is missing. Damn. The guy bought the piece during the SK birthday sale and I sent it out over 10 days ago. It only had to travel from Ohio to CA, so it should have only taken 2-3 days.

I did insure it, but the damned thing is an original, so although we can get the money back from it if it never shows up, it really can't be replaced. Damn.

How can a 30"x24"x6" box just disappear?

I'm hoping that it's at the destination post office and someone just forgot to send one of those little "you have a package at the post office" slip to the recipient. I had that happen with an express mail package from SK (we were both sure it was lost), so it's possible. I really, really hope it's that.


In better news, I received and then sent off the birthday boy's gift to him. So it's gonna be almost a month late.... Hey, why do you think I told him he had a month to celebrate his birthday?

I sure hope he likes it.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Spunky Butt aka Dammit

So here is the little devil kitten, officially named Matthew Quigley Furball, but I call him Spunky Butt or Dammit. This pic was taken just a few days after he came in early August...he's grown a lot since then (although he's still little compared to my cats). He's a little terror and climbs everywhere!